Tuesday 27 March 2007

Freestyle Training

Due to this infernal bug I've been unable to train for nearly a week. Today, however, as I have started to recover, I decided to go to the studio and deviate from the current programme and do something I've been dying to do for months - an old-style chest-blasting workout.

I simply decided upon a rough rep-range (6-8) and based the exercises on feel (one set of incline bench; reduce the incline by a notch for two more sets, and then two sets of flat bench. This was followed by two sets of flyes super-setted with cable crossovers. Finally I did a giant set comrpised of dips, flyes, crossovers and press-ups).

For good measure I threw in a few sets of parallel grip chins at the end.

This is by far my favourite approach to working out but it needs to be used sparingly, otherwise essential work may be neglected in favour of more enjoyable work.

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