Sunday 22 March 2009


Spring is upon us and, as is the tradition at this time of year, most of my clients are moving towards peak condition for the summer.

My own training has altered from the heavy liftin gof the winter. I am training4-5 times per week using relatively high repetitions (generally 8-15, sometimes more), short rest intervals, and a variety of grips, angles, combinations of exercises whilst keeping in the big moves like dead lifts and squats.

I've reverted to a parallel grip for incline dumbbell press in order to rest the shoulder joints a little and I've dramatically reduced biceps work, having made some good gains during the winter.

My goal is to shed another 5 lbs of fat by Easter. Abdominal definition is already starting to come through due to adjustments to my diet:

Currently I'm eating 6 times a day with moderate amounts of low GI carbs, good fats, and fairly high protein. I've also added some cardio in the form of boxing just to speed up the fat loss.

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